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Old 04-29-2017, 05:19 PM   #4
broncobilly's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 45
folks kayak to catalina all the time, that's 24+ miles. physically it's possible to kayak a long ways.
But kirkdavis brings up a lot good points...
everything from safety gear, to knowing ones limits(physically and mentally), to training are all things you need to consider. But i'd also like to point out that if you go out to blue water, looking for blue water game, be prepared to get your ass kicked. And after the fish is done, you'll still have to bring that fish aboard, paddle/peddle back to where you came from, all the while leaving a blood trail behind you. (if you don't keep the fish in the hull)

A friend and I got towed 4.5 miles out to sea, off la jolla, last year when we traded off fighting a 250+lbs thresher for 3 hours. Fish broke off just below the yaks. We were disappointed and tired from the fight, but we were done after the 2 hours of peddling the 6 miles back in to the shores. To top it off, I was followed by a small mako. The mako didn't bother me, hell i tried to catch him. But there is a risk with sharks following you. It's small, but it's still there.

you're doing the right thing by asking. get knowledge, slowly test your skills while keeping the risk low, train and build from there.

If you want to train, I'd suggest going out of SD bay and going against the current all day. That'll help get ya physically and mentally. It stinks going 2 kts over land when you know you're making 3.5 through the water.

Two is one and one is none.

Good luck.
Hope you slay 'em!
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