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Old 05-01-2017, 09:51 PM   #1
IN2DEEP's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 82
Thanks for sharing your adventure.
That takes some ambition to spend 2 days and a night there.

Try this, instead of using a wire leader when barracuda are around.

Create a double line on the end of your main line by creating a 12-24" loop, using a spider hitch knot or a 3-4 turn surgeons knot. 15-25lb test. I'm really liking Seaguar Invizx
If using braid, tie a 24-30" fluoro leader (tie it in the middle of a 48-60" piece) using a John Collins knot.
Tie the hook to both strands of the formed leader. Double the line thru the eye and use both strands to create the knot (I use a uni knot but a San Diego Jam knot will also work good)
The trickiest part would be to end up with two equal length strands going to the hook.
The beauty of this set-up is it still has the stealth of the lighter line and with two strands instead of one, they will have a much harder time biting you off.
Keep the interest up, you will always keep learning
Not as much of a Noob w/a PA12
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