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Old 05-14-2017, 09:06 PM   #7
I Exercise Fish
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: HB
Posts: 44
Today started off with some tailgate bacon and eggs. I had a cheese omelet with sliced avocado on top (Keto!), and also an orange and full sugar energy drink (not Keto!).

Our accommodations. Bathroom and shower is in the building behind the rooms.

Then it was off to the point to launch. This is just inside the North side of the Coyote Estero inlet, maybe 1/4mi from the rooms. It was high tide and the little point was almost underwater, but I knew this was as high as it gets, so felt safe leaving the truck there. It was about 5-6' lower when we came back in.

From the water. It actually started sprinkling on us for a few minutes. Just hard enough for me to begrudgingly pull out my windbreaker/shell and then it stopped.

There is a sunken boat right under me and it was swarming with fish. On the outside there were some small unidentified fish, and I knew on the inside were juvenile Broomtail Grouper.

I made a few casts and... fish on! A small Sand Bass to rid myself of the skunk.

I was excitedly telling Jeff and Leo about the fish all over the place under me, so they both throw a cast.... Double hookup!

First Broomtail! Including my sandbass and a triggerfish I didn't take of pic of in Asuncion that makes the running total 7 species.

So we all caught a few more and then headed into the mangroves.

Jeff with a Zebra Perch. I guess that is what those fish were outside the sunken boat hull.

Looking for some deep water near the mangroves.

Stability has its perks...

We were picking off some broomtail, but I hadn't seen any surface activity from the corvina like I expected (different time of year maybe?).

They were all about 3-4lbs for us this day, and there are some bigger ones in there (up to 25lbs). This is still a baby in reality when the ones on the outside reefs can be 300! This is something I would love to try here someday, but this was just a one day stop on this trip.

Pretty happy with how this shot came out.

Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Hmmm... there it was again. Yep, a little wolfpack of corvine, maybe 4-5 of them. I called over the guys. Then saw another school of 8-10 heading right towards them. I threw out a hardbait and got hit, but missed him. missed two more before one stuck. Counting Jeff's zebra perch this guy makes the running species count 9.

Jeff in a cool little cove.

Have I mentioned these guys are super fun to catch on light gear!

Hobie... call me, I have some great shots for you.

Anybody recognize this fish? Together with the corvina this makes 11 species. Last trip we were catching spotties up to 17"in here! They were crashing on finger mullet with the corvina. This was my only one today though.

Hey, what the heck is this. I was calling it a leatherjack, but we later decided it was a pompano. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Bullseye Puffer. I lost track now, so ill just add up the species at the end.

Another halibut.

The fishing slowed a bit and we had made our way around about half of the estuary, so we headed back to the launch. It was now low, but still dropping tide. You can see the hull I mentioned earlier.

We loaded up the truck and went sightseeing the Abreojos coast. Saw this guy as we pulled out of Campo Rene. Fellow fisherman

Of course we had to try a few casts off of the rocks.

We caught at least 10 more of these each from the rocks and beaches.

Golden hour with the wind and sun to our backs.

I think we ended this day with some backpacker meals back in the room. as Ice Cube would say, "Today was a good day"
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