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Old 05-18-2017, 08:02 PM   #2
I Exercise Fish
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: HB
Posts: 44
Got up the next morning ready to explore the area (Find fish). We pretty much headed straight out from camp to the nearest island. It's was pretty shallow most of the way across.

Some cool looking birds I've never seen before. Any birders on the site!

We made it to the closest islands fairly quickly (1/2mi?). There was some current running through them and some deeper water. It was slow for about 15 minutes or so, but then we started catching.
I think my first fish was actually a small SBB, but no pic.

Corvina. Maybe slightly bigger than Coyote Estero.

Also possibly a bit bigger?

Jeff with one

Trigger. 4 species in short order!

Leo hooked up!

Nicer one!

Hobie, You know what's up...

I could see some nervous water out in the main channel, so I decided to check it out. It turned out to be just two currents meeting over a high spot. I was about halfway to the main point of one side of the boca, so I decided to head over and beach it to stretch out a bit.

The current was ripping in and there was a shelf that dropped to over 20' deep right over the edge of the sand bar. It was a fish a cast for about 15 minutes. Mostly small sbb and corvina. It would have been a great place for a fly rod, but I couldn't stop catching to set mine up!
Another cast and I feel something heavy. It takes off and immediately I wish I was on my heavier setup. Feels like a bat ray...

Manta Ray

A whole school came along the edge a little later.

Leo's Dolphin skull hood ornament

Leo in "The spot". The current had slowed down, but you can see the deep water. Funny , but we fished it again later in the trip and it was very slow. It seems to be based quite a bit on current, AND deep areas.

We all headed north and wound our way around looking for good spots. We continued picking off SBB, and corvina, but the grouper were conspicuously absent even though we found a few great looking spots for them!

Average sbb and corvina

We were working our way back towards camp and fishing our way between two islands with the current flowing between them like a river. It was about a 200yd section and not very deep, but we were nailing them on top water stuff.
Leo calls me over and says he he's on a good one. I get out my camera and get a few bendo shots, but I didn't really get excited until I saw the head come out of the water! Big Hali.

28"er stoked!

Some shade under the mangroves at low tide

You can see where the groupers are trying to take you when you hook them close to the edge

Headed in as we planned to eat dinner in town tonight.

Camp from the water

Made the drive in to town and found a restaurant recommended by some guys that came by camp on dirt bikes.

I went all out and ordered the lobster. Three tails with fresh handmade tortillas, salsa, beans, rice... heaven.. $15

Spent dinner game planning the next day looking at screen shots from google earth and typing coordinates into my gps. Btw. Google gps coordinates and Garmin gps coordinates are different?

Anyway it was a great day and we were all feeling very content (And tired, we estimated we did about 16 miles this day)

To be continued tomorrow...
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