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Old 08-07-2017, 06:35 AM   #11
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Location: Menifee, CA
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DP info (for next time):

Kayak scoop is $20, the guys will fill your tank though.

The area around the red buoy and boiler rocks is fished a LOT. Try going further north, like towards the end of Salt creek, which is in front of the hotels.

There is a pipeline that heads out from the river outlet to about 1 mile offshore. Cruise around in that line for a bit and you will pass over a 10-15 foot hump on your FF. Sometimes good for bass and halibut, and the occasional Thresher or WSB.

South of the harbor there is a wide area of reefs, rocks and kelp, all the way down and past the Clemente Pier. At anytime you can get some bass, leopard shark or halibut drifting through that area. Troll a small rapala, or drift a 'red calico hunter' or 'spotty killer' and you should be good. There is also a possibility for the occasional Thresher, WSB and BSB and Yellowtail.

You should also be able to make bait out there. Do watch for GWS though, there have been quite a few smaller models cruising the area, and then there is Bob, the resident GWS, at about 7 feet now.

Do some exploring, and on calm days head in towards the beach, you'd be surprised at what you can catch there.
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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