Thread: undecided
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Old 08-22-2008, 03:11 PM   #11
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 218
I bought 2 hobie outbacks over the years on 2 different occassions, and I ended up selling them both. Went from paddle to pedal, now back to paddle again. I really tried to give it a fair shot.

Older hobies have a problem with drivewell cracking and leaking on you and the fix they give you is pretty much useless... and has horrible primary stability.

Newer hobies are better with stability, but still, more gadgets to keep track of, things to go wrong, to complicate the whole process..especialy on launching and landings. Heavy as a pig on land and water. Plus alot less deck space to play with.

I am now back on and OK P15 and really much happier with it than with the Hobies. I still own 2 Cobras, 2 Ok kayaks, and a couple of other brands, but got rid of the Hobie Outbacks.

There really is something to be said for paddles... it feels alot better and lets you do alot more fine tune adjustments on positioning.

And yea, I had the same problem as FISHIONADO.... My Hobies tracked horribly with the rudder. As "hands free" as trying to drive a car hands free.
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