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Old 08-21-2017, 04:12 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 96
Originally Posted by greenscales View Post
UltimateJay - sorry, but you started off the negativity: The Pelican was responding to Crashcrows request with very solid and detailed information w/o mentioning you at all, obviously putting some time and thought into it. You then questioned his authenticity by stating "25 green backs in a kayak bait tank?" He then explained handling the bait correctly made a huge difference to there health, w/a little snarky retort to you - and then it was on. In fact Saturday I had a mix of candy greenbacks (under 6") and jumbo sardines from Mission Bay- which are more fragile - started w/30 ended w/15 still healthy 8 hours later. And my tank pump was faltering at first. And I have done more bait for longer periods as well. So don't question others if you do not want them to question you. Now you are calling him "a prick" and he "is full of shit." Am I a liar as well because I am agreeing that you can keep 25 pieces of bait alive for a day when properly handled and in the right tank? My original title was going to be "Chill out you two." So his comments about no more education is understood since - I presume like me - he doesn't want to be given a bunch of negativity for providing information. And I presume you do not either.

Afterwards the conversation erupted, with personal quips on both sides, surrounding the Spectra and Fluoro. I am just putting my 2 cents in education on the materials because you stated the Yellowtail were onto braid and I have industry based knowledge - I also was a manufacture rep for co-polymers as well. I am no longer as knowledgeable on LJ as before since I do not spend as much time on the water others do. However I will not trash another persons legitimacy as a fisherman, which you continue to about you and your kid catching more fish than Pelican. Maybe its true, but do you have evidence, and even if not, please keep it civil. Just like I suggested to Pelican not to be so sarcastic. Again - like watching politics: some 20 year old Emo claims the sky is falling and companies must be shuttered and we must all wear clothing made of hemp because it hit 100 in LA and it never had in his long life and then some 90 year old curmudgeon replies that it hit 120 when he was a kid and he is going to continue to burn his trash in his backyard and dump his bilge in the bay because its his right and he has seen no affect. The same reason I avoid FB, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, or whatever way people who feel disaffected want to promote themselves.

Just like Pelican started out, my goal is to pass on information. My point of Flouro to Mono was visibility as a bridge to understand correlative properties of Spectra - which in fact has as many attributes of - correcting my wording - stealthiness (instead of invisibility) because of its thinness and doesn't transmit light like mono (or most co-polymers - which has primarily replaced monofilament). 50lb Power Pro w/30lb Seaguar Blue or Premier - rigged correctly - will fish bait more naturally than the always thicker and usually stiffer 40lb co-polymer and Fluoro in most current conditions and through kelp because the Spectra is thinner and less stiff.

I agree essentially with what both of you indicated - you will fish better with something you feel more confidence in. For instance - dropper loop fishing is way easier and less expensive with large mono top shot over just a short fluoro. And I am glad you are teaching your kid how to fish. Way better than all of my friends whose kids know nothing but trashing each other and being experts online about everything with no real experience about anything - such as environmentalists who have never been on the water but eat Sushi w/o a clue as to where it came from other than a branding of "dolphin free" (45% of seafood is mislabeled in restaurants). Then promote MLPAs in some of the most sustainable fisheries. Oops - time for me to shut up and to hit the water I think.

N.B. - I hope to see both of you next Saturday at the CCA craft beer and food festival at Portuguese Hall to support keeping them from trying again to close all of LaJolal to fisherman. We can toast to catching yellowtail verses just fishing for them or talking about it online.
I never once said Pelicans advise was bad other than putting 25 mackerel in a bait tank. That will not work 100% positive. I have been collecting rare exotic fish in the Aquaria for over 36 years and you can't have that many large fish in a small tank and have them survive for any amount of time. The fish give off too much pollutants that tbe water turn over rate could never keep up with, not including the fish hitting each over. Pelican did give good detailed info- pretty much what I said before his post but let's quit the BS- there's no way your going to get 25 normal size mackerel in a bait tank and make them last all day or even 30 min. If you call that negativity then I guess you must be a liberal. lol
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