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Old 09-11-2017, 03:25 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by goldenglory18 View Post
That video just sold me on it. Damn, totally regret passing this up!

How far out is that island? From the report you sound totally stoked but it seemed like pretty slow fishing.

How "4WD required" is that trip? Is it the sand/beach launches or is there high clearance required areas? I've never been to Baja so I really have no clue....
The island is 4.5-4.8 miles from camp. I'm also certain that you can arrange a Panga to drop you and your kayak at the island if you wanted to avoid the 10-15 mile paddle. There are actually several islands out there. Some of the footage is from Isla Willard which is actually connected to land during low tide.

I am stoked on the trip, and I do feel that fishing was a bit slow in the sense of the size of the fish not quantity. We were catching 40 fish a day. The storm stirred things up and its also the tail end of the season down there.

4WD is really nice down there and really opens up your launch spots. But it's really not necessary. There is a hardpacked road most everywhere that gets to within 100-150 ft of the water. So all you need is kayak cart. 4wd just gets you up and down the beach and within 5 ft of the water.

SDROB goes down there in his Honda Accord with no issue.
2018 Hobie Outback 13

I do not fear the storm as it will teach me how to sail my ship.
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