Thread: Bait
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Old 10-06-2017, 10:40 AM   #13
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Costa Mesa
Posts: 34
Originally Posted by bolocop View Post
This site is starting to be a microcosm of US society: the rich get richer and the poor get toyed with by the rich.

The bait at LJ has been hard to come by. The anglers at LJ are a secretive bunch, band together and don't share too much info because they feel you are using this site to circumvent hard work and time on the water. No hand outs, you have to earn it, sound familiar?

Bait moves around. Here are some tips; talk to people on the beach. Watch where people go after they launch. Keep your head on a swivel and look at the water surface for clues and learn sonar returns to identify bait.

Good luck. I could just tell you where to go but if the bait moves on you won't know what to do then.

I started kayak fishing down in La Jolla this summer and it took me several tries before actually landing a yellowtail. The quote above is on point but I don't mind sharing my recent experience with bait being tough the last few times I was down there. Anyhow the best times is always before sunrise and you can try the usual spots over by the pier and on the way out west past the reserve line. The pier was the go to spot for me the last two times and its been over a month since I've been so it could be not be holding bait anymore. If your having trouble finding bait just keep heading your way out west and working your sadiki in the kelp bed areas first then start paying attention to your fish finder and any bait schools that maybe splashing on the surface. When I was having a tough time I snagged a few random baits in the kelp area and also when I would see a bait school swim by on the surface and that would get me a few more. Also had one or times where I could not find anything. Not sure what the fall and winter months will be like yet but from what I read it will be tough but looking forward to finding out with more time on the water...
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