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Old 10-26-2017, 08:12 AM   #1
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Ya, you may be over thinking it.
Like others said, if you wait for ideal you might never fish.
Personally I usually get 1 day to fish each week. (Which is pretty good for a married, employed, father of 2). So I'm locked in to sat or sun.
If the weather is looking good I have plenty of options and will usually hit LJ. If its moderate I might fish South SD bay. Its close, doesn't require much paddle and if it gets rough I haven't dedicated much time or effort. If its looking shitty but I still really want to fish I'll hit some super sheltered place. Like behind the high rises in Glorietta Bay or around the boats in the Coronado cays.
There are also some fresh water options. I live close to Otay lake. Its $10 to fish and launch and its a nice break from long LJ paddles. The lake is open on Wednesdays so its an after work option.

So I guess what I'm saying is rather than wait for perfect conditions to fish a certain spot, have spots you can fish in a variety of condition. Mike
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