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Old 10-28-2017, 07:35 PM   #2
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Join Date: May 2015
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Posts: 115
Mako Bob Update

Guys, after I left camp about 10 minutes later Bob start his hiccupping again and then 20 minutes later he started to vomit. The frequency of his hiccups increased and he had a bit of a hard time breathing. I drove FAST the whole way until we got to the hospital. Rushed him into the ER and they took him in pretty quick. I stayed with him for about 2 hours as they ran tests on his heart, blood, did xrays etc.... Bob called me this morning and he still had the hiccups and told me he has an infection in his foot again and the doctor was supposed to visit him this afternoon. Has not slept much the the last two days. I sent some reading glasses and books to the hospital for him today. Hopefully his recovery will be much faster this time and they can do something for his relentless hiccups.

Rossman, Bob will not make the trip for Thanksgiving. He feels really bad about it but his health won't allow him to travel.
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