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Old 11-24-2017, 07:41 AM   #3
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Illegal laser pointers on
UPDATE, August 13 2013: has recently tightened its rules for selling laser pointers and related products. The new policy requires pre-approval of laser pointers and related products. The products are limited to Class 3R (5 mW) or less and must be branded; examples include Kensington, Quartet, 3M and Logitech. Products must have a testing report from Intertek, UL or SGS. For more details, see this story at

The information below, originally published in March 2013, is retained for historical purposes.
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Worldwide: Concern over laser dazzling of satellites
21 Jan 2012 -- Categories: Military and state use | Unusual lasers & uses
A new book by Economist reporter Benjamin Sutherland has a chapter about lasers being used by military forces to dazzle or possibly blind satellites. In an interview published January 21 2012, Sutherland discussed the “Endangered Birds” chapter in his book Modern Warfare, Intelligence and Deterrence:

“There are lasers used to hit satellites, it’s called dazzling, and it’s a show of force. There are a handful of countries that can do it. China dazzles U.S. and French satellites in low earth orbit not often, but regularly. What if a laser hits them, maybe lingers too long? A show of force can actually damage the satellite, knocks out some sensitive equipment. If that happens, and it’s from China, is that an act of war? What do you do? Political leaders have to be briefed on this. They have to make an effort to avoid escalation.”
From an interview in the Santa Barbara Independent conducted by Kevin Zambrano
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A Look at the Hazards of Green Laser Pointers
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