Hoop nets for sale
I've been cleaning out the garage lately and have decided to discontinue the pursuit of crusty crustaceans, therefore I am selling my equipment.
I have 8 complete hooping setups. Rope, nets, buoys, lights, cages, all ready to go, for sale. Everything is bundled together so I'd prefer to sell them all as a bundle.
The nets are in good condition, one of them may have a hole from some rocks it got stuck on but is repairable. The buoys are designed with a weight at the bottom and a hole in the top for lights so the lights stay on top.
So, all eight nets, 10 buoy/line sets, many lights (Promar and another brand, with batteries), and a bunch of bait cages, even found a lobster measuring gauge for $200 OBO.
So long and thanks for all the fish...