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Old 01-16-2018, 04:59 PM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 83
Originally Posted by Baja_Traveler View Post
So - how long was the drive from Bob's place to Hwy 1? We are heading down to San Ignacio Lagoon first week of March, and I'm considering taking the 5 because the road around Catavina is such a pothole disaster...
I cross at Tecate (avoid Mexicali bullshit) through to San Felipe, Gonzaga and out to Laguna Chapala this is the ONLY way I drive south. I much prefer it over TJ/SQ etc. - I hate that stretch of Baja.

From where the dirt road starts past Gonzaga Bay to the pavement at 1 it's 21 miles of dirt. It takes me 1.5 hours because I drive slow (4x4 Tundra with double kayak trailer) there's a llantera at the end of dirt road if you need to get a flat fixed.

I was just down Dec. into January - there are some big potholes just outside of Jesus Maria. The road was good over Thanksgiving but between November and December it's gone to shit again.

There's some big potholes as you wind up the hill outside of Nuevo Rosarito - big enough to slow the big trucks down to get through them without swerving into oncoming traffic.

Good luck.
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