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Old 02-17-2018, 05:04 AM   #1
Sea Hunter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Where ever I may roam where I lay my head I call home.
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Took on the berm!!!! San Diego report. High tide 9am.

After Launching at first light down hill was the easy part...two battery, 5 poles ice chest,fishing tackle probably 5 trips back and forth, was thinking I might be sleeping on the beach when I get back or locking my canoe up.Anyway im on the water fishing mackerel flys on my left, bounce balling on my right. My first hookup was on a B2 purple squid jig on the bouchball ,I bring it to color its a halibut looks close to being legal I grab the net and the halibut gives a good head shake against the bounce ball and comes now im off the sea hunter docked.i head towards the bait receiver.i finally make bait 5 green backs. I put my first live mackerel on the trap rig and my fist hook up is south of the jettie it feels big peeling line feels hooked after a minute of fighting it my line go's limp I wined in and inspect my bait it missed both hooks pulled line off like a white seabass.So I put another mackerel on...and get bit again this feel big I set the hook and my line is peeling off the reel fast...i give chase in my canoe.again it comes loose so I wined in and check my rig, bit off...i can see teeth marks on my florcarbon that makes my 3 fish i lost to day.Not liking these new hooks in trying. By now the afternoon wind picks up at least 25 knots my canoe feels like a balloon in the wind even with the dagger keel down, so I anchor up hoping the wind will die down, incoming tide will start at 3pm it will be a long slow journey crabbing my way back in the wind using trolling motor with oars I head back still working a mackerel on the bottom. I finally make it back to the launch 5 trips back and forth to my truck with gear...the last thing my canoe up the sand...soab...two feet at a time..i feel like a turtle moving through Sand the sand, a true labor of love....all the sudden right before the berm...a nice fellow from Albania say let me help you, im stocked he grabs one side and pulls im having a hard time keeping up with like what happened to the berm as my canoe is resting on my l---- bar,10 minutes later I on my way home.
Made it after thinking I might be spending the night
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Duke Mitchell

Last edited by MITCHELL; 02-17-2018 at 07:36 AM.
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