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Old 03-09-2018, 07:19 AM   #12
Fiskadoro's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 1,509
"...Id have to say that was pretty amazing...jim posts for the first time in several years and it takes .2 seconds for him to get kicked in the nuts....."

I'm not surprised. I think most people have a few big things in their life, some only one. We all know who that guy is.... He's rightful King of the North Los Angeles kayak scene, has the blood of the first kayak fishing men, Lord of the seven launches in Malibu, and protector of said realm.

Over a decade ago I posted a small post here about launching at Esco and fishing at Point Dume. I caught a few Sand Bass, and a cool looking tree fish. I posted the pics, handed out what little I did know (since I knew nothing about Malibu at the time) and that started a war that evidently never ended. I'm sure he thinks he drove me off this site in disgrace but the truth is I upgraded my skiff to a newer four stroke and increased it's fuel efficiency, gas prices went down and I started fishing offshore again. Then I got into motorcycle modification and hooked up with a killer artist poet writer musician (by far the coolest woman I have ever met). That did not leave me much time for the battles of BWE, struggles for the plastic kayak throne, or control of the North.

The Mad Kings rantings aside: I don't have a dog in this hunt. I quit fishing Malibu from shore the last time he/they vandalized my truck, and it's not like I'm going to run into him kayaking the back side of Cat, or out at SBI. I'm glad he's not dead, I don't mind a little cyber-adversity, I missed the board, and I've got a pretty good reason to start fishing inshore halibut again.

Sorry for the thread jack... Like I said: When fishing halibut I mark every fish I hook on my GPS, and over time that will give you a ton of info to work with. It is by far the biggest aid for me. Investigate around structure bait etc.. but mark your fish and that will really up your game.

Well I got a boat to prep since I'm hooping tonight.
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