Thread: Long Odds
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Old 03-16-2018, 05:52 PM   #6
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A really cool addendum to the story (for a few of us at least). I just got this email today from Mitchell Masuda at Hubbs. It has inspired me to keep helping out on the WSB release program. Btw, I am going to have to talk to the guys I turned the "whole head" in to about the missing otoliths.

Mitchell Masuda
Today at 4:43 PM

Mike Shane

Message body


Thank you very much for taking the time to submit the white seabass that you caught on 1/28/18 for our study. I have great news; the fish was tagged and is our oldest fish recovered to-date! It came from a spawn in August of 1997 and released near Dana Point in February of 1998, making it a little over 20 years old when you caught it.

I was wondering if there was any chance you had more information on the fish, such as weight or length, that would be useful for us. I also wanted to ask if there was any way for us to obtain the otoliths that you removed from the fish. They are very useful in obtaining more information about the fish as well as looking at historical information. Of course, I can happily send you replacements if you would like. We would also like to put a story together about this catch and would love to see any photos you have of the fish or you catching it to use for our Facebook page or maybe Western Outdoor News.

If you would like to chat, please feel free to give me a call on Monday during work hours at the number listed below. I look forward to hearing back from you and congratulations again on the amazing catch!

Thank you,

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