Thread: I 11S input
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Old 04-05-2018, 01:22 PM   #5
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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I love mine because I can take a kayak to Catalina via Catalina express.

Having said that and being an honest person here is my take on it. Time will tell if I am correct.
It is portable. After spending nearly $1100.00 on Thule Hullavator to lift my Outback on the roof of the new 4Runner, I am not satisfied with the unit. The Thule I mean.
The i11 will fit in the back of SUV.

The setup which is inflating and setting up took me about 2 hours in hot sun in Catalina the first time. Thus, I stayed overnight on the pier, so I could fish the next day. Then deflate, clean and packed next day for the return home. I am not fast or as young as others perhaps.

For now I have to store it deflated in the bag between trips. That concerns me if the bends will eventually crack. I was advised by Shane of Hobie to perhaps cover it when in Baja when not used to reduce the heat from sun rays.
Not too much can be added to the kayak to make it like the other fishing kayaks. The less is more applies here.

I bought about $3-4 hundred Dollars’ worth of raffle ticket at the two CCA events last year trying to win the first prize, which was the inflatable. However, some member here gave me the evil eye and I did not.

I did win bunch of other cool stuff including a rod, but not the kayak.
Thus, I bought a used one from Andy. It does come with the 180, reversible Mirage drive. I like it since I can use it in my Outback as well.

Good investment I would say overall. The high seat keeps the angler dry too.

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