Originally Posted by Oolie
Unfortunate mortality.
They really do tire themselves out, good a time as any for the PSA...
Not for the OP, but a general note!
Carrying a descender at all times is good practice, as you never know when you might hook one of these.
The longer they remain on the surface, the greater the likelihood of them ending as a floater a day or even a week later.
Mortality odds decrease significantly the quicker they are returned to a depth where they can fend for themselves.
Thanks for the report OP, sorry you had to bear the bad news.
That would be some pretty heavy weight to be storing in your kayak. Persistence always pays off with these black beasts. I guarantee it was a Private Boater, 9 out 10 times they leave floating do to not being able to reach over the side of their boat far enough. Its actually quite easy to get these guys back down without weight in a kayak.