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Old 05-12-2018, 07:06 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by DDS View Post
Haven't seen too many reports lately so I thought I'd add one....

Late start - 7:30 am on water. Parking pretty easy.

Waves were 2-4 feet with close frequency...thought I timed my launch better - then took to bow breakers to the a bit worried as the PA 14 totally filled with water and started to list to the side...thankfully drained from the footwell and made it out before the next set came in....

Phrase of the day was Tuna Crab...everywhere....

Had a tougher than usually time making bait. Tried to get away from Tuna Crab so went out deeper and a very ambitious sand bass got the only bait I had left after the dogs took a few fly liners.

Headed in and spoke with a few other boaters...couple kayaks were skunked, one power boater had a keeper halibut.

Headed in about 11:30 am having pulled in two Sand Bass that were not keepers. The larger of the two Sand Bass puked up a Tuna Crab while I was trying to get the hook out - so even they were stuffed....

Thank you to the gentleman who extended my day by an hour by giving me a few extra greenbacks before he headed in - extra karma points to you...

Question on Sonar - the first two images - am I reading those right that there is just a blanket of Tuna Crab hanging above the sea floor suspend about 20 feet vertically?

Second sonar question - in the last image on the lower right that a big old white sea bass just taunting me?

Is it worth heading out there trying to fish when the Tuna Crab are this thick?Do the game fish even go for our fly lines or irons if they are stuffed to the gills with Crab?

Hope to head out again tomorrow AM (Friday - La Jolla Shores) after dropping the kids off at school - don't know if any of you fishing masters can share any tips or wisdom on the sonar images or successfully catching game fish when there is tuna crab everywhere....

Thanks for any tips....

Hi, I’m the guy in the hobie compass that gave you my bait on the way in. Sounds exactly like my day out there.

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