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Old 05-18-2018, 06:16 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by alanw View Post
I agree with this. I wouldn't let my children play at a convicted sex offender's house once his "debt" is paid.
And neither would I. I also probably would not knowingly let a previous poacher store his catch in my cooler. But if the bait works, it works. So he poached, and paid his debt. That shouldn't mean that he should not be able to operate a business.

I would support legislation that restricted a convicted poacher's ability to get a fishing/hunting license for a period of time. Not that many poachers give crap about being licensed, anyway. I see people taking short fish on the piers all the time. Usually because of ignorance, but most unlicensed fisherman have not taken the time to know what is what and when what fish can be taken.

Some dude was going to keep an 2 foot Leo, in San Clem the other day. I let him know, with as few curse words as possible, that he needed to throw that fish back ASAP. He told me there was no size limit on Leos. I told him to throw it back, then look it up. ANd that If I was wrong, I would buy him a case of beer. He tossed it back and we parted ways. About an hour later he walked back by me, and dropped off a six pack of Ballast Point Sculipn IPA, as a way to say thanks for the info. Then I told him alcohol was not allowed on the pier. Just kidding, I didn't say that last part.....
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