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Old 06-02-2018, 05:25 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: San Diego
Posts: 55
Originally Posted by Caseym View Post
Iceman and DingoKevin are 100% accurate. The blue area is baitfish only, the red is NO take! The guy was a jackass by all accounts and I commend DonkeyKevin or whatever his user name is for taking the time to say something. This world is full of wussies that sit inside their bubble world refusing to become an active part of solving the problems. I for one am GLAD he said something, he’s nails accurate with what will eventually happen and how WE are perceived (i before e except after “c”). Everyone that saw it only saw it as “another kayaker illegally fishing” and lumped us as one. Too bad more people didnt bombard him with lectures so he felt intimidated and never again tried it. Keep LaJolla bitchen.
Rant over-
I second all of this!!!!

Some dude on reddit was talking about how it's ok to take bait in the MSR off of the launch area. He was thinking the launch area was part of the SD/Scrips Coastal SMCA. I did my best to educate the guy and provided a direct link to the DFW website with the map of the area and the instruction for it. Even cut and paste the line about "not taking any living marine resource" in the reply. Some other dude then asks "What does that mean though?"

(some) People are dumb. It's frustrating sometimes. I myself have got to remember to stay positive and focus on the education aspect.
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