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Old 06-27-2018, 08:31 AM   #15
Fishing Patriot
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Originally Posted by easyday View Post
Looks like I’m going to have to go get myself a ticket and fight it in court!
If you do, let me know. I got some paperwork that you'll need to file before that court date. I've learned that you can say whatever you want in court and it doesn't have any teeth until you have your docs on the record. EVEN THEN, the shady ass fake judges (commissioners) try to IGNORE it. Crazy! Just proof that the courts (superior courts/kangarroo courts), are only for generating revenue to pay for the judges/cops/court employees. There's no money in prosecuting real criminals unfortunately.

On a POSITIVE note, I personally know (dinners and vacations with our families type know), the former DA at the federal courthouse in Santa Ana, and that's were the REAL justice happens. He's prosecuted MS13 gang members, and most recently a few corrupt politicians locally here in OC. So I still have little bit of faith in our system. It just needs to be heavily revised back to our Constitutional roots, meaning eliminating "Statutory/Commercial Crimes", which didn't exist prior to the last Reorganization of the United States (Corporation) 1938, after our second bankruptcy in this country.

NO VICTIM, NO CRIME!! <--- says the Supreme Court!!

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