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Old 07-05-2018, 02:04 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Sivak View Post
Staff and MRSA both, both very difficult to eliminate especially when diabetic.
Methicillin Resistant Staph is what I was afraid of.

I don't know if this will help but I have found that staph is very sensitive to environmental variables especially heat. Any time I get a staff infection on an appendage: finger, foot, hand. I do a treatments of soaking them in the hottest water I can stand. It usually takes one or two tries with tissue injuries. What you are doing is creating a localized very high fever in that tissue. A normal very high fever with say malaria only would take you to 107. Technically some staph can survive temperatures up to 118, but most can't and can be killed with heat without tissue damage.

I've used this trick since I was a kid, but the reason I bring it up is a have an older friend with diabetes that started getting infections in his feet. He went through several series of antibiotics which had limited results but we were able to complete kill the bacteria by heat soaking treatments.

Of course the bone mass at the new infection must be far greater, not to mention the surrounding tissue will be more heat sensitive then a foot. I hope they get it all this time. Tell Bob I wish him the best.
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