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Old 08-08-2018, 10:52 AM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Redondo Beach, CA
Posts: 26
I really like the idea and I’m considering it. The first 4 days do look brutal though. Looks like there may not be much time for daylight fishing.

Some back of a napkin calculations leaves about 3 to 5 hours left to fish.
11 and a half hours of daylight
About 4 to 5 hours of paddling per day
Hour each day to setup and break down camp plus landing and launching
Half hour for breakfast and lunch
Hour for dinner

You could probably squeeze a couple more hours out of that if you do most of your cooking when the sun is down but I think you’ll want to focus on staying warm and recovery durning that time. I think you would need to be an ultra athlete to keep that pace up for 4 days straight and still enjoy yourself.

Would you consider adding a zero day between day 2 and 3 or and additional stop to spread things out a bit?
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