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Old 08-15-2018, 04:45 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 27
Originally Posted by Apex Predator View Post
Great Question! For a trip like this, all the same principles of backpacking apply, I.E.: Pack Smart. I have a Revo 13 which doesn't have very much room either like your island. But when you utilize your rear cargo hatch(Behind your Bait Tank)properly, you can put all of your clothes, camping items and your food for the trip in there(Everything that wont be in use while underway). I use small and medium sized dry bags that i can only fit a few items in, so that they fit easily into the hatch.

There are stores in Avalon(Our Halfway Point) and there is a Bar&Grill at Two Harbors, other than that we are on our own for food. Only water and fire wood will be delivered. So that means we will need 3 days of food at the beginning of the trip(Minus the protein we will harvest from the ocean.) with the ability to resupply in Avalon at the end of day 3 and the beginning of day 4. The only perishable food I bring is:,PB&J sandwiches, Cheese, Tortillas, garlic, olive oil, and soy sauce. To save on weight and bulk, I use freeze dried backpacking food(like: Mountain House) that just requires boiling water to prepare which I use a Jet Boil Backpacking Stove. All of the campsites have grill grates on the fire pits, a roll of aluminum foil and you are good to go.

You asked a very good question about the Batteries too! Battery Power for FF's, Navigation, Lights, radio's and smart phones I will talk about that very important subject when I get back from work tonight so stay tuned......
When I did the crossing with my buddy there, I charged my electronics at the restroom at Two harbor.
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