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Old 08-20-2018, 11:25 AM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Orange County, CA
Posts: 8
Originally Posted by goldenglory18 View Post
Yeah, two straps secured basket style and you're good to roll. Longer trips I'd suggest to do FWD and AFT straps to secure the nose and tail, but slow LA area traffic typically mitigates that need.

All great boats. Tarpon is more paddle based than fishing based. It's faster than say a Ride, Radar, or ATAK, but less stable. If I remember correctly it also has a fixed seat, so its less adjustable as well. For your size (I'm about the same, but a tick heavier) I'd look for something with a wider base. You'll thank yourself after a long day on the water.

Malibu are SUPER stable boats but weigh a ton. I'm also not as big of a fan of the materials they use in their mfg and finishing process. I've fondled quite a few and actually owned an X-Caliber for a hot minute. It was the most stable platform I've ever fished off of (and I've been on a lot of paddle yaks) but it was an absolute pig. So, sooo heavy. Excellent choice if you've got a second set of hands, and olympic lifting background, or a lift-assist system on your vehicle. Or a trailer....

Big Fish 105.....I'd try to stay closer to 12' or 13' boat. That way its more comfortable to fish off of and its safer on big water if you choose to venture out. There is a reason Ocean specific kayaks are longer than 13'.....

Like I mentioned above, you and I are about the same build. 12-13' and about 30" width is going to make you really happy and comfortable....
What do you go out on right now if I might ask?
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