Thread: LJ 8/19 - Hali
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Old 08-23-2018, 12:06 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 34
Thanks, guys. Between that and my Tuesday's full day islands trip, I've caught more fish already this week than pretty much the rest of my life, so that's pretty rad.

Originally Posted by dpricenator View Post
Nice fish! I'm glad to see that we don't have to have a $3500 yak to catch fish. I ride a Ocean Kayak Mulibu XL II. I would like to see your set up, as I am all bungee cords and a milk crate for rod holders, and a 5 gallon bucket with a bubbler in it, for bait. No fish finder, or other goodies. Pretty much just set up to drift. Gong out of Dana Point this weekend. Hoping I do half as well as you did.
Yeah, that's my boat as well. I'll have to do a thread on it. One of the main downsides I've had with it (though I'd like something faster, too, if I'm going to be covering lots of distance) is that there aren't a lot of obvious places to mount things like all the fancy new fishing-designed kayaks have. I think I've come up with some pretty neat things, and had some of the stuff I wanted to have just happen to fit perfectly together in a pretty slick way. Better take some pics and put up a walkthrough. I know I did a lot of googling trying to find ways other people have rigged theirs when I was trying to figure out what to do with mine.

Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
That’s a nice fish but either you measured it wrong or your scale is off, there is no way a 30” halibut will weigh 25lbs.
Shoot, that's a typo! Cheated myself out of some length! Should have read ~39.5". Editing post...
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