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Old 09-10-2018, 01:58 AM   #3
stevie951's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Riverside
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Originally Posted by bubbacee7 View Post
Yakers are good folk. Good story. Good lookin out guys.
Indeed, i'm a little too over confident in my civic sometimes, as much as I air down.. I have gotten tugged out of the soft sand there too myself a way yonder back, just like when I yard sale, or flip launching, I had a skiff guy bring me my stuff floating in the surf one day.. what goes around, comes around.. Good Karma on them especially due to the fact I had no tow ropes when I was in the sand so I was literally up the creek with out a paddle..

EDIT-- Not to mention, being up SH*t creek with out a paddle, I was out a few months back, and still using the Crack of Dawn heavy lug of a non carbon fiber paddle that I got from a rental shop 2 years back.. So I was wading in 2-3 foot surf for 20 mins while when I finally decide to jump in and go for it.. FIRST STROKE, my f'n 2 piece paddle literally snapped In half ... Surf was not nice that day and when that happened my life literally flashed before my eyes... Took a couple seconds for the fight or flight to kick in and i Hopped out, and started walking backward tugging on the yak as a 3 footer sets in my face at o'dark thirty.. That was an awesome morning ..

As I was doing the walk of shame, two gentleman where set up in a tandem a bit after myself, and the driver had ran back to his car to drop off and lock up.. The gentleman on the beach as i asked, mentioned that in fact, they had a spare paddle and it was in the car,, SOOOO I ran my ass up vallecitos, tracked this guy down like a stalker, and asked if i could borrow his paddle, LOL STRAIGHT UP..

He ended up saying yeah, I fished with them for the day (for nada) BUT it was not a wasted trip back to Riverside at 5:30 am sopping wet on i think a friday morning... I Got to actually fish! Which after having the worst morning of your life (2nd to the morning you learned you got her pregnant and you're having a child.. Afffttter you already committed to marriage) it ended up not being so bad .. So yeah, kayakers are dope, a dying yet exponentially growing breed :P

thanks for the report
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Last edited by stevie951; 09-10-2018 at 02:14 AM.
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