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Old 09-11-2018, 06:55 AM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Orange County Ca.
Posts: 99
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Personally I don't feel they have any incentive to change things to improve fishing/hunting license sales. I think the point is they are trying to do away with outdoors activities in the long run. A lack of sales is a perfect reason to suspend any and all of those "activities" since there would no longer be enough funding for the DFW. That seems to be the goal to me. They would like nothing better than for us all to stop all our outdoor activities and just stay home and pay our taxes. Now be good little sheep and stop making waves just go to work and pay your taxes. Note at the beginning I said "personally" this is just the way I see things my views/opinions. But I think if we hope to keep enjoying the outdoors at all then it would behoove us to go ahead and buy our licences at the beginning of the year or pay for the year even if its June when we buy the license. I think this might be one of those penny wise dollar foolish things. Just my opinion and yes I buy my license every year even though lately I only get out a few times a year. Sorry rant over.
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