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Old 09-17-2018, 07:02 AM   #3
Cheat to win
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Simi Valley
Posts: 93
Love that lake, fell through the ice one year when ice fishing on a hot day. Didnt see my life flash before my eyes but I did see every movie scene where someone was under the ice flash in an instant, including the cliff hanger scene with Sly. All my movie knowledge kicked in and that was the knowledge I was going by to get myself out. Had to brake a trail all the way to shore, about 25 feet out. I knew from the movies that I only had a couple of minutes before my muscles would lock up. Very hard to swim back up to that little hole with boots and a jacket on. Very scary but I still go back. I have not ice fished it since but I will if I get the chance. Love fishing the creek as well.
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