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Old 09-20-2018, 02:40 PM   #9
Semper Fi-shing
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Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Menifee
Posts: 117
Well said, FoodGeekFish.

I have been witness to many simple acts of kindness and consideration that has made a huge impact on me since I have fished La Jolla and elsewhere such as:

-That time when i was done offloading my kayak and proceeded to get my truck hopelessly stuck in the sand on the way to parking it. A few kayakkers who were all ready to launch saw me spinning my wheels and came by to help me push my vehicle out of the sand while another provided tow straps to successfully tow me out. I realized that the sun was already coming out and they came over and started helping out before I got a chance to ask. Half an hour later, I was on the water fishing.

-Or that day when I broke off my one and only sabiki off kelp and didnt have any other means to catch bait. One yakker offered up some bait while another offered his one and only spare sabiki and refused to take money for it. I, of course, proceeded to lose the sabiki on the next patch of kelp. I found out later that week that that same person caught a yellowtail on that very day. (Good karma for a good deed )

-Or last Saturday when my helper on the water (and my now new friend) told me about how, the week prior, he had met Dave on the water after my friend also broke off his last sabiki. He told me how Dave also offered him a sabiki. On top off that, every time Dave caught bait, he offered my friend half of his catch.

Sometimes, it's the simplest acts that make the biggest impact.
I've got 99 problems but a fish ain't one.
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