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Old 10-09-2018, 08:43 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 13
Going to hijack your thread

Considering either a Trident 13 or a Kraken 13.5. Coming from a old Tarpon 160, willing to give up a few feet to make it a bit more manageable. So really cant lose in comparison to my current yak.

I think overall I dig the Trident layout more, the new mod pod looks great, its a little bit narrower which I like, and like the hatch and track places a tiny bit more than the kraken.

The Trident seat will be an upgrade from the softies i use, but it does look like the kraken seat is really the defining feature and most kayaks seem to be going to the raised chair style.

Anyone got any input on if the chair style is totally the best thing ever and worth picking it over the similar style kayak, but with a more traditional seat style?
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