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Old 10-26-2018, 01:41 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Bonita, CA
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by Denis_Ruso View Post
I've seen many of you using these baits and having some success. That being said I was looking into trying some and think I've just changed my mind after I found this article about the owner of the company.

Apparently, he's been convicted of poaching in the Yosemeti national parks as well as previous citations.

Note: This thread is just for discussion if you would ethically buy them or if there's additional information you may know. Solely for discussion and is not intended to be a flame thread.


Personally, I prefer not to support someone who has a blatant disregard for conservation of our resources but that might just be my California mentality. At the same time, that was 8 years ago and people can change.
I use them, not exclusively though. They work well. I usually get a few packs at the Fred Hall Show or some other discount opportunity. Much like any plastics, they get beat up pretty easy, especially if a Bonito or Barracuda gets a hold of them. I've caught yellowtail and big bass on them and some random rockfish.

As far as who makes them, I could care less. He's not under indictment, incarcerated, or on a terror watch list. It's not like I'm funding some organization that supports the overthrow of the government or advocates harm to our fellow citizens. He just seems like some guy who may have gone through some knucklehead phase in his life and moved on. I just retired from a career in law enforcement. I also spent 4 years in the military. I've seen much worse than this guy.

I don't see this as supporting someone that has a blatant disregard for conservation. I see this as me buying a tool that works.
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