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Old 04-23-2019, 06:45 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by MITCHELL View Post
I got some negative feedback on my uv sunglasses test.
So I had a dr app, after that I took my cheap Costa knockoffs to vision care dr and ask him if he could check the uv rating on my cheap sunglasses. Good news and bad news. The bad news my sunglasses had some uv protection but he couldn't give me a percentage, and he said they were not polarized. I ordered fishing glasses what a joke. So now I'm going to find out if polarized means 100% uv protection and if there's different levels of polarization. I will not buy these sunglasses again but I will put them to good use. The good news is this test is legitimate and a uv light and a blacklight are the same. The dr said if the blacklight shine through the lens your not getting full protection . So now when I buy my next pair I will be testing them first with my blacklight.
If you put the glasses on and cars look like theyre changing colors through the tint on your windows, or if the clouds in your mirrors look purple and blue, they are polarized.

The first time i wore polarized sunglasses I was blown away at the way regular things look through them, as I mentioned above, cars look like they are changing colors as they pass you/you pass them, you can see the spots/patterns on auto glass where the tint is uneven, etc. If you have an older phone the digitizer may have a polarizer that looks crazy through the glasses.
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