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Old 05-23-2019, 04:23 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Bahia Asuncion
Posts: 936
That is a great site for referencing the different fish available in Mexico. I will say that there are many regionalized names for the more popular fish. I have not fished all of Mexico but certainly have covered a good part of the Baja Peninsula and have never heard the WSB referred to as a Corvina Blanca. Here in central Baja they are called Curvina. (of course in Spanish the V is always pronounced as a B so if the locals try to anglicize fish like Corvina, Corbina and Curvina, they are very close in pronunciation) There are regions to the north that I have heard them called Cabria Blanca. Thank for passing along the link.
"When beholding the tranquil beauty and brilliancy of the ocean’s skin, one forgets the tiger heart that pants beneath it; and would not willingly remember that this velvet paw but conceals a remorseless fang. "
— Herman Melville

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