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Old 07-29-2019, 03:24 PM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 9
To be honest 5k is a lot for a kayak, but they spend a lot of money on R&D. You can find a used small boat for close to that, but I don't think that's the point of kayak fishing.

There are two type of kayak fishermen, those who do it because it is cheaper than buying a boat, and those who do it because they love the sport. I think the majority of kayak fishermen, specially fishing on saltwater are of the second type. I personally love being on a kayak and fighting fish from a kayak, it gives me a feeling of freedom being on a boat I don't get. It is also a lot more challenging.

The 5k Hobie will sell. There are a lot of high earners out there who are getting into kayak fishing. I personally love my OK prowler 13, I like how light and it is, I like to paddle, and its secondary stability is superb. I feel in control when I am on the prowler, it is very responsive, I didn't feel that when on a Hobie. The Hobie felt flat to me, and I felt too high off the water. They have an amazing primary stability, and I am sure secondary is good as well, but I just didn't feel I would be able to dynamically react and maneuver on a Hobie when the second stability kicks in on rough waters. Also having a paddle on a narrower kayak is much easier to go through surf than on a Hobie, if the kayaker is experienced. I am of course, biased, and have many years of experience paddling on the ocean (not fishing). And I have never experienced bringing a really big saltwater fish to the kayak, so can't speak for that!

I wouldn't pay 5k for a Hobie, but I am sure many people would. They serve a market that not other Kayak company does yet.
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