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Old 08-05-2019, 01:01 PM   #2
Cheat to win
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Simi Valley
Posts: 93
I use a Feelfree Lure 13.5, its a bit of a barge for beach launches but very stable and comfortable. I launch it from Leo but have to watch for 2' or less surf. I need a real good day to launch from there. I cannot take it to Deer Creek or county line as its too hard to handle on the land (may get a cheap light used yak for this). But with Leo I made a pvc cart with wheeleez and its night and day different to launch there. I never use the stairs that are burned out right now anyways. Watch for a low surf day and huff it. Just make sure you leash your poles, had a buddy loose his there.

For the returns I think I have just been very lucky and have kept in mind what I have learned from youtube. As I am coming in, if a wave is behind me that will crash on me I will paddle backwards into it then chase it to the shore. Only had a hard time on my first one when I tried to surf the wave, didnt roll but got full of sand and pulled off the kayak in 6" deep water, lol.

Will keep an eye out for you, will probably meet up one of these days as there are not too many of us Ventura people on here.
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