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Old 08-13-2019, 07:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 21
Originally Posted by PapaDave View Post
Yeah, However, I did see them turn away a truck with kayaks but no trailer. Bummer. But there was a LOT of folks at the ramp Saturday so maybe that had something to do with it. The lot next door should be okay if you a set of wheels, it's all paved so just the basic ones would be fine. The distance to the ramp is fairly short.
I never see them turning away anyone. I go there with my civic with kayak on the roof all the time. I’m sure they enjoy the money from the entry fee. Maybe the guy with the truck just didn’t know that it was a pay to enter and park and just turn away. When I’m there, they do encourage me to park at the non trailer spot though if they are open (there are like 2-3).
I would love to park in the adjacent not and not have to pay but I always worry about the 4 hour limit being enforced and I don’t want to have to hustle back while being a more than a mile of paddling offshore to make the time.
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