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Old 08-15-2019, 05:45 PM   #6
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 307
Hey Elliot -

If you're comfortable fishing from a kayak and keeping an eye on others, you're well set. Bring appropriate gear for spotty fishing, safety equipment (PDF, radio & whistle if you have them), and a helpful attitude.

6 am to launch time is unload the trailer, pull out kayaks, set up tents and tables, rig fishing gear, and cut bait. Launch until noon is on the water time. As a first timer, you may be paired up with another mentor. Keep an eye on the guests, help them with fish, tangles, tackle, etc., and get a little fishing in yourself.

Off the water is lunchtime, break down gear and yaks, reload trailer. With a solid group we're usually wrapped by 3.

Were there any specific questions or concerns that you had?

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