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Old 11-07-2019, 11:42 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 41
I am a newbie in that i have been out there nearly every weekend since August but...
Launching is easy assuming less than 2ft swells - bigger is ok if the period is long - some say 4x the height so 3feet with 12 second period to give you time to get moving and go through the waves. Study them for a bit and you will see the calm period. I have gone out in 4ft+ but it took me 30 minutes to figure out the wave pattern.

As for fishing - going north of the pier is productive for bait - a lot of guys go straight out past the no-fish zone and do ok but I always struggle making bait. North of the pier you can see them boiling.

A lot of folks do great around the kelp which is more straight off la jolla cove and south - I have probably caught most of my fish there but i am still searching for yellows which most say you cruise the edge of the patties freelining but i have yet to hook up there.

I always seem to do ok going for bottom fish with a dropper loop in 200'+ water near the canyon but they aren't fun like bonito or more gamey fish.

I'll be out there sat - one of the only guys with the trimirand Hobie Tandem Island so stop by and say hi.

Originally Posted by Steve92004 View Post
Hi, new here
I'm pretty new to kayak fishing but have been fishing the LA Jolla kelp for some time from boat with live bait.
I'm planning launching at La Jolla Shores this weekend or the next, I'm keeping an eye on the buoy charts and the webcam.
If I go I'll probably be by myself. You think there will be people there that will help a new guy out or let me tag along?
I guess I'll have to make bait or jig.
I'm fishing out of an Oldtown Topwater 120 PDL. I've been fishing the bays on it and the spottie action has died off so I'm looking for something else. I put a Lowrance on it out of a previous boat It's big but I'll have charting and sonar to help me out.
Thanks I'd appreciate your thoughts or help
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