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Old 04-08-2020, 01:07 PM   #7
Saba Slayer
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Nice Thought...

"The voice I'm looking to _respectfully_ represent is one of a local who is practicing proper social distancing while hoping to maintain access to their own fishery."
That a very noble thought...but...from enforcement's POV... it seems to me that it would be a nightmare to quickly craft a law that enables locals to fish and keeps others out...and then there's enforcing close do you have to be to your house to be allowed to fish as a local ?
Any suggestions on that...?

..."we only have a right to fish recreationally and not for sustenance fishing and I've been reminded of that fact a few times in my many years of DFG Commission meeting's as well as the many DFW Marine Resource meetings."...

Let's just wait it out a bit longer and see where we get...before the pitchforks come out...LOL...

I've got three different two week reservations in the Eastern Sierras starting in late May and ending in mid September...I'm just hoping to get to at least two of them
Jim / Saba Slayer

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