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Old 06-05-2020, 09:04 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by dsafety View Post
I was partnered with Mark, (Fish11) yesterday and have to say that his description of the day was a rosy one compared to my memory. The wind, the mist, the chop, the lack of seeing any living thing except for the occasional sea lion or a flock of circling Albatross, (they were pretty cool actually), the day was a major disappointment.

My survey of fishers on the beach found only two who had hooked up, both with a single small green back. They were both unmarked at the end of the day. As for me, not being able to even catch a single piece of bait ranks as the ultimate skunk. Maybe next time.

The only plus was that on this day there more yakfishers on the water than any time in my recent memory. Fishing is better and safer when there are lots of yaks are on the water.


That’s was definitely today also there was a dozen or so yak fishermen on the water and maybe two or three boats that’s I saw.

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