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Old 06-23-2020, 09:44 AM   #6
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The first 100 yards at the mouth can be pretty hairy for sure, and the tide can be hard to fight. Over the 5 years I have been yakkin, I had my first yard sale (excluding LJ) there about a month ago. I was coming in against the tide and had picked up the habit of hugging the rocks where the current isn't as bad. In addition, you can surf on the swells coming in. When I take newbys out I tell them to stay away from the rocks, but....I'm an old salt, right?
Suddenly I lost steering on my outback and spun around right into the rocks. I got my paddle out to push off of the rocks, but before I could do it, the next swell came in and flipped my yak. Lost some gear and hurt the heck out of my pride, but I was asking for it. Turns out the down rudder rope slipped out of the holder...something that rarely happens, and it happened at a really bad time.
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