Thread: HDS7 or HDS9?
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Old 06-27-2020, 02:31 PM   #6
Join Date: Oct 2019
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by TJones View Post
How long will you be on the water? The 7" draws 1.7 amps max which is huge compared to a HDS gen 2, and .5 amps more than the HDS gen 3 carbon. .5 amps increase is pretty significant. IMO. The 9" draws minimal 2.0 amps and a max of 2.9 amps draw rate. Right now I am running a 7" live and pretty much had to upgrade my battery because a 15 amp battery was not cutting it. It would not even handle the HDS 7" carbon for a full day of fishing. I would imagine that you are willing to buy a LIPO battery correct? Unless you are gonna carry a 20 lb SLA battery? My 30 amp LIPO is coming in at under 9 lbs. The battery dimensions are reasonable also. I have it installed in a nylon bag mounted behind the center hatch. Batteries should always be secured somehow from flying around, needless to say. One other draw back with going to a 9" screen I could think of is the wind coefficient. The 9" would probably be like a sail. Being able to run a quad split screen with a 9" would be way easier on the eyes. But at what cost? If we were on a boat, I would say go for it. But take a serious thought about some of the real world drawbacks before pulling the trigger. Again, some of this might not be so significant if you are only fishing for short periods of time. But personally, I spend 8-10 hours, sometimes 12 or more hours on the water in search of that prize yellowtail. Hope this was helpful.
Thank you for the thoughtful reply. While I spend up to 12 hours on the water, power is not really a concern. I fly remote control aircraft and use the batteries between my two hobbies. Based on 2A draw @ 12vdc (24 watts) and 25.2 watt-hours worth of battery, I can run for around 10.5 hours. BTW, the pack and set up weighs in at under 4lbs. If I forget to turn down my screen brightness, I can always swap out batteries midstream. Again, thank you very much for the thoughtful insight. The debate continues...

Last edited by Jxjones; 06-27-2020 at 03:03 PM.
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