Thread: LJ 8/30
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Old 09-03-2020, 08:21 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by chris138 View Post
You definitely can do that, but I always tell people if you really want to get a yellowtail (especially your first) you don't give up on your target ALL DAY. I can't tell you how many times I've got nothing not even a sniff all morning, only to have the yt bust wide open at 11am. You must stay focused on the big fish... not for an hour, not for a day.... but week after week, year after year. Until you have your initial success it is hard to commit to this.

My biggest piece of advice... NEVER say to yourself "the yellowtail aren't biting". It is just philosophically wrong. Better to say "I am not finding the biting yellowtail". The moment you give influence of the outcome to random uncontrollable events, you have let yourself off the hook so to speak. You aren't taking responsibility for your short comings or mistakes. It's more productive to think, "gosh i'm pretty sure the yellows are around, what could I have done differently to get a bite or to locate those fish". Even if you are lying to yourself, you learn nothing by assigning your lack of success to random chance. Take ownership of every skunk to improve your technique every trip.
He's right you know, there's a reason they say 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish. Even if you don't get a bite all day learn something about the location you are fishing to apply next time. There are certain guides that get people on yellows and WSB in La Jolla more consistently than anyone else, they aren't "luckier" than the dudes who aren't catching them, they have put in the time to learn when/where/how these fish are biting at any given time.
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