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Old 09-04-2020, 02:31 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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Talking SOLO SKIFF LJ CPR (catch, photograph and release) YELLOWTAIL 9-3-2020

Finally landed a nice Yellowtail on my Solo Skiff. Been trying for weeks and as slow as the Yellowtail fishing has been, I kept getting Bonitos, Rock Fish, Barracudas and Calicos, none of which I keep. Yesterday went out just after first light and looked for bait, it was not easy to find but so much easier covering more water in a short time. Along with some Spanish and one greeback, I caught a Sardine. From experience I know they don't last in the live wells, so I pinned it on right away while still moving around looking for more and better greenbacks. Kept having to stop and clean off kelp tangles due to so much floating and even suspended lower in the water collum. Just after the sun started to break through, I thought I had a Sea lion playing with my bait. Had several pulls on the clicker but no run. After a little more pull, I turned around in time to see the Yellowtail nail it on the surface and finally start the run. I guess he hit it and came back for it after killing it. That's not how I've had them hook on before. After letting it run a few second I engaged the Avet in gear and had it making runs and pulling drag. Man, I love that sound of peeling drag and the rod shaking from the head shakes. After some fun, I got him to color and once I had it close, I decided not to gaff it, get some photos and release it to get bigger. I estimated it to be 18-20 lbs and a nice size but I felt happy to get the first one on the Solo Skiff and celebrated by releasing it. And of course having another Tecate.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )

Last edited by FISH11; 09-04-2020 at 07:07 PM.
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