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Old 09-22-2020, 12:42 PM   #6
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 47
Yes the larger tank well in the new outback is definitely appealing. I am pretty sure I measured it last year when I went to look at it and you could put a Yeti 65 back there with no mods, which is quite the appeal for this trip I do.

Is there a way on the PA to keep a paddle "at the ready" off to the right or left like on the Outback? I would most likely rig something up on the H-rail if not.

The problem if I go down the PA route is I would probably just want to get the 360, I mean it seems pretty amazing, but I have no idea where things are in the product cycle for a new model year, improvements based off the initial roll out etc. Are they even coming out with new model years this year with the Pandemic etc? Has the 360 been well received or seen largely as a really expensive toy that no one buys? I really hope it's doing well, it seems amazing.
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