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Old 09-22-2020, 08:20 PM   #24
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Location: Huntington Beach, CA
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Originally Posted by FISH11 View Post
Congrats on the first kayak Yellowtail. That first kayak Yellowtail, taste better than any you've pull in on a boat, because it involved more work on your part. Like mentioned above I love that bendo shot, cause you don't get to feel than power from a boat. No matter what the La Jolla surf forecast many times the surf is higher or has bigger sets when it's your turn to launch. I love the comment to your buddy, WTF! I have said that to myself many times when surf looks easy while setting up and when ready to launch they are twice the size. Yellowtail always look better on the deck of a kayak than on the deck of a boat. Love the shot in front of 1/2 day boat. Guys in boats always get a kick out of seeing a guy in a kayak land a nice Yellowtail. I always wondered if they are thinking how much they had to pay for the trip and tips as compared to the guy on the kayak not having had to pay and getting a little exercise to boot.
Yeah if given the choice, I'd rather be solo on a kayak than shoulder to shoulder on a charter boat any day. The fight is way more fun and it's 100% more satisfying when you land a fish like this knowing you did every bit of the work to get it, from setting up the night before to launching and making bait, then finding them, getting bit and bringing one on the deck. Yellowtail have always been my favorite fish to fight pound for pound. But like you said, it's a whole different ballgame on a kayak vs a boat. You really feel those head shakes and dives. I'm still pumped!
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