Thread: Winter Worries
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Old 11-21-2008, 04:15 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by dorado50 View Post
Why you mad? You youself said you were worried out there,re-read your post. Your story telling was so dramatic that you,yourself,said your equipment was or has failed and that your brave like skill and limited knowledge of the sea got you back to safety. Than you warn everyone to be careful out there, like its ok for you to be.Well, most guys aren't as brave as you and their common sense tells them no. All your rhetoric sounds very familiar? By the way, how do you really feel about me? LOL
I am not a master story teller Dave, and I am really complimented that you did find it dramatic. If you find offense to my posts, don' read them. Your personal attacks and lack of any other input is counter productive to these boards, and kayak fishing in general. I was, I'll say it again just for you, trying to share my trip, the drama, the catch, the adventure, the excitement, and the let downs, and the lesson learned. It is what I thought these boards are for.... It is what they used to be for.... If my "could have been tragedy" story helps someone to come home safely then great! I do not claim to know all, or even half as much as I should. I learn from the others on this board. I have even learned a lot from you! Thanks! I am a better fisherman for it. I am sorry that I used to think so highly of you. But I make mistakes and learn just like everyone else.

Mad?... Nope... Looking for a fight?...Nope. Just tired of the cancerous growths that lurk here and take away from what this sport used to represent... and still does in some circles. Put away all the bitterness and have fun again! You might decide you like to kayak fish again! Until then... quit wasting everybody's energy and get lost... for everyone's benefit.
All men are equal before fish.
-Herbert Hoover

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